
Let's start Treating Osgood as an Injury, Not a Disease

It's time to change how we think about Osgood Schlatter. Not as a disease that requires complete rest but as an injury that we can rehabilitate

For too long, Osgood Schlatter has been misunderstood and mismanaged. It's time to change the narrative and approach this condition for what it truly is: an injury that responds to proper treatment, not a disease that you simply have to wait out. This shift in perspective can dramatically change the trajectory of recovery for young athletes, getting them back to the sports they love faster and stronger than ever before.

The Problem with calling Osgood a "Disease"

When we hear the word "disease," we often think of something that happens to us, something we have little control over. This mindset can lead to passive approaches to treatment, typically involving extended periods of rest and inactivity. But Osgood Schlatter is far from a passive condition.

Osgood Schlatter occurs when the patellar tendon, which connects the kneecap to the shinbone, becomes inflamed at its attachment point on the tibia. This inflammation is often a result of repetitive stress during growth spurts, particularly in active young athletes. Sound familiar? That's because it's a classic overuse injury, not unlike tendinitis or stress fractures that we see in adult athletes.

Instead, Start Treating Osgood Schlatter as an Injury

Viewing Osgood Schlatter as an injury rather than a disease opens up a world of active treatment possibilities. This perspective shift is crucial because it:

  • Empowers the athlete and their support team
  • Encourages a proactive approach to treatment, correction and strengthening rather than passively waiting
  • Allows for faster recovery times, improved athlete confidence with the right interventions
  • Lowers perception of pain, improves mental health and mindset
  • Can lead to improved strength and reduced risk of future injuries

By recognising Osgood Schlatter and Sever's as injuries, we can apply proven principles of sports medicine, strength and conditioning, and rehabilitation to reduce knee pain in the short and long term, providing young athletes better outcomes.

The Pitfalls of the Rest-Only Approach

Traditionally, the primary treatment for Osgood Schlatter has been rest – often extended periods (months to years) of complete inactivity. While some rest is important, especially in the acute phase, trying to simply hope that Osgood will "Go away on its own".

Extended periods away from sport can be mentally and emotionally challenging for young athletes, potentially leading to feelings of isolation or loss of identity. Moreover, the physical deconditioning that occurs during prolonged rest can make the return to sport more difficult and potentially increase the risk of future injuries.

The Core Advantage Approach: Active Management

At Core Advantage, we've developed a comprehensive approach to treating Osgood Schlatter that focuses on active management. Our method begins with a proper diagnosis and assessment, which includes not just a physical examination, but also a thorough understanding of the athlete's training history and an assessment of their overall biomechanics and movement patterns.

From there, we focus on a multi-faceted treatment approach:

Pain Management

While we don't advocate for complete rest, we recognize the importance of managing pain, especially in the early stages of treatment. This might involve relative rest (reducing high-impact activities), ice therapy, and gentle stretching. The key is to find the right balance between rest and activity that allows for healing without leading to the negative consequences of prolonged inactivity.

Continued sporting participation

Continuing with at least some sport during your Osgood rehabilitation is a crucial element of an effective Osgood rehabilitation. It helps athletes physically, mentally and socially allowing them to stay in touch with their friends, keep up their fitness and also maintains a foundation to enable a faster, smoother rebuild to full participation once their Osgood is under control. The key is to apply a flexible plan of relative rest using the bodies response to training and activity to guide each weeks activity levels increasing or decreasing total sporting loads and intensities as the knees recover.

Progressive Strength Training

Strengthening exercises are a big factor in preventing future Osgood flare ups. Building the muscles around the knee provides a number of benefits, providing direct support for the knees, deloading the painful attachment point on the tibia while providing a direct stimulus to promote and regenerate our irritated tendon collagen.

The Core Advantage program starts with isometric exercises to begin activating the quadriceps safely. As the athlete progresses, we gradually introduce more challenging exercises, always staying within pain-free ranges of motion. Importantly, we don't just focus on the knee – our program includes exercises targeting the entire kinetic chain, including the hips, core, and ankles.

Flexibility and Mobility Work

Improving flexibility, especially in the quadriceps and hamstrings, can help reduce stress on the patellar tendon. We incorporate a mix of static stretching, dynamic mobility exercises, and foam rolling techniques to address any tightness or restrictions that may be contributing to the problem. You can learn more about the best stretching exercises for Osgood here.

Movement Re-education

Many athletes with Osgood Schlatter have developed compensatory movement patterns that may be exacerbating their condition. We focus on teaching proper landing mechanics, optimizing running technique, and improving sport-specific movement patterns. By addressing these fundamental movement issues, we can reduce stress on the affected area and set the athlete up for long-term success.

Load Management

Rather than advocating for complete rest, we believe in smart load management. This involves gradually increasing training volume and intensity based on the athlete's symptoms and progress. We often incorporate low-impact cross-training activities to maintain fitness while reducing stress on the affected knee. Throughout the process, we closely monitor pain levels and adjust the program accordingly.

The Science Behind Our Approach

Our active management approach is grounded in the latest sports science and rehabilitation research. Studies have shown that:

  • Progressive loading stimulates tendon healing
  • Strength training improves outcomes and reduces recurrence risk
  • Improved movement quality significantly reduces stress on affected areas
  • Keeping athletes engaged in modified activities can improve overall outcomes and treatment adherence

By applying these evidence-based principles, we can achieve faster recovery times and better long-term outcomes for young athletes with Osgood Schlatter.

Long-Term Benefits of Active Management

Treating Osgood Schlatter as an injury and employing active management strategies doesn't just provide short-term relief. It sets young athletes up for long-term success in several ways:

  1. Improved Overall Strength: The focus on comprehensive strength training benefits athletes beyond just knee health.
  2. Better Movement Patterns: Re-educating movement can improve performance and reduce injury risk in all sports.
  3. Increased Body Awareness: Athletes learn to listen to their bodies and manage their training loads effectively.
  4. Psychological Resilience: Overcoming Osgood Schlatter actively can build mental toughness and confidence.

These benefits extend far beyond the resolution of Osgood Schlatter symptoms, contributing to the athlete's overall development and future athletic success.

A New Paradigm for Osgood Schlatter Disease Injuries

It's time to stop thinking of Osgood Schlatter as a mysterious disease that young athletes are powerless against. By recognising it as an injury – one that responds to proper, active treatment – we can empower young athletes to take control of their recovery and come back stronger than ever.

Our 7-week Osgood Schlatter Treatment Program embodies this philosophy, providing a structured, progressive approach to recovery. Don't let outdated advice keep you or your young athlete sidelined. Embrace active management and get back to the sports you love, faster and stronger.

Remember, Osgood Schlatter doesn't have to be a long-term setback. With the right approach, it can be an opportunity for growth, learning, and improvement. Let's change the narrative and treat Osgood Schlatter for what it truly is – an injury that we have the power to overcome.

Learn More About Our 7-Week Osgood Schlatter Treatment Program

Training Programs for Osgood, Severs and stubborn Adult Osgood Cases

Struggling with Osgood or Severs? Growing pains don’t have to keep you out of the activities you love. Beat your pain and get back to sport rapidly in just minutes per day with your proven training programs.
An online program to treat Osgood Schlatters Disease and knee pain. Program includes exercises and stretches for Osgood Schlatters.

Osgood Schlatter Disease

A seven week training plan to manage growing pain in the knees.
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