Online Training Programs to Fix Osgood Schlatter Disease and Severs Disease

Beat your growing pains in a matter of weeks and get back to sport rapidly with the proven and age-appropriate online treatment programs from Core Advantage. Complete at home in just minutes per day

Join over 4000 children, teenagers and athletes who have eliminated their knee pain and successfully treated their Osgood Schlatters

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From 249 reviews
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Developed by an accredited Sport Scientist

100% Money Back Guarantee

What's included in our Osgood & Severs treatment programs?

Under 15 mins a day

Rehab is boring, that's why our effective workouts are short and focused to fit any schedule.


Progressive exercise plan for growing bodies complete with easy to follow instructions and video.

At-home workouts

Complete the entire program with only minimal equipment. No need to join a gym!

Return to sport fast

Pain typically down 50% in first two weeks. 1000's athletes returned to sport pain-free and moving freely.

Created by experts

Our program has been shaped by decades of experience working with young athletes.

Lasting results

Build strength, mobility, and learn key movement skills to stay pain free for good.

/ 5
From 249 reviews

1000's of cases of growing pains treated. 100's of 5-star reviews

More than 4,000 athletes from 45+ countries have fixed their Osgood pain thanks to the Core Advantage program.

Training Programs for Osgood, Severs and stubborn Adult Osgood Cases

Struggling with Osgood or Severs? Growing pains don’t have to keep you out of the activities you love. Beat your pain and get back to sport rapidly in just minutes per day with your proven training programs.

Osgood Schlatter Disease

A seven week training plan to manage growing pain in the knees.

Sever's Disease

Rapidly relieve growing pains in the heels caused by Severs

Adult Osgood Program

Over 18 and still struggling with Osgood? This program is for you!

Return to Performance

A progression program designed to build your speed and fitness fast!